Saturday, August 15, 2009


Today I am sitting here thinking about the Spirit of the Savior in my Life. And how much I need him my heart today. Sometimes, we forget just how much he have given us in our life. The
greatest thing we can do is bring forth love to the Nation. Which all things are come forth in his
eyes. The walk that we do in this world. May gave me a better places to live one day. But all of
this tell me the test as just began. And how I really care about myself and the people of the world. Asking the Lord forgiveness when I sometimes get upset. This show my feeling to the
world. I know that he's by myside as long I show the love of the people. My heart love our nation
of people. In his words, I need to remember what he's as asked of me. In the walk of the light
of words, that my heart and mind be a part of the spirit of the world. My thought of this given
me hope for a new world.

Study the word of Love- JOHN 13:35, 2 CORINTHIANS 5:14 AND 2 CORINTHIANS 13:11, LEVITICUS 19: 18, PROVERBS 17:17

By: Larry

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Micheal Joseph Jackson was an american recording artist, enternainer, philanthropist and as well a businessman. He was seventh child of the Jackson family, he made his debut onto the
professional music scene at the age eleventh as a member of The Jackson Five in 1969, and
then began a solo career in 1971 while still a member of the group. The world referred to him
The King of Pop. In 1982 album Thriller remains still the world best selling record of all time.
and four of his other solo studio albums are amoung the worlds best selling records; off the wall
( 1979 ) , Bad ( 1987 ) , Dangerous ( 1991 ) , and HiStory ( 1995 ).

In the early 1980s, he become a figure in popular music and the first African American Enter-
tainer to have strong crossover following MTV. His popularity of music video, airing on MTV,
such as " Beat It " " Billie Jean " and " Thiller. "

With stage performances and music video, and popularized a number of physically complicated
dance techiques, such as the robot and the moonwalk. His distinctive musical sound and vocal
style which influened a nation.

Micheal was the lead songwriter of the group, which hit's such as Shake Your Body ( Down
to the Ground ), This Place Hotel and Can You Feel It.

In 1978 Micheal Jackson starred as scarecrow in The Musical The Wiz.

His parents are Joseph Walter " Joe " Jackson and Katherine Esther Jackson, And siblings
are Rebbie, Jackie, Tito, LaToya, Marlon, Randy and Janet.

And his first spouse Lisa Marie Presley and his newest spouse was Debbie Rowe.

Micheal Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana on August 29, 1958. and he passed away on June
25, 2009. He leave three children's behide and alot of great performces to the world.

He was a spectacular performer in my life, I growing up learning alot dances moves from
Micheal Jackson. He will always be my dance teacher, in this world. With the unexpected death
of a icon. Will always be part heart and the world. As we are missing The King of Pop and
all things he have shown us all in his work as Entertainer.

My life will never be the same again, as my heart is hurting for the lost of the King of Pop
Micheal Jackson. As I remember my childhood of seven years old. When I saw Micheal and
Jackson Five Proforming. And watching Soul Train and other television specials.

Which now, my dance teacher is at home now. You will always be missed Micheal Jackson,
may you Rested In Peace with our Father now. I'll aways love you and your works art
Thanks so much KING OF POP.


My Wonderful Farrah Fawcett, just how much I love you and all that you have did for us all as Fans. As a child growing up watching you in the TV series Charlies Angels. Are having the Iconic 1976 poster of Farrah Fawcett was a big thing for teenager boys and mens in the United States.
I can remember seeing Farrah Fawcett in TV series like I Dream of Jeannie, The Flying Nun,
The Partride Family, S.W.AT. and The Six Million Dollar Man. And the movies I really enjoy seeing Farrah Fawcett, play in was Murder In Texas, The Burning Bed, Extremities, Logan's
Run and the part of Margaret Bourke-White.

I love that Farrah Fawcett was born in state Texas. And I was as well was born in state Texas.
Farrah Fawcett was born the name of Ferrah Leni Fawcett on February 2, 1947 in Corpus, Texas, U.S.

The Actress home was in Santa Monica, California, U.S. With Son and Domestic partner Ryan O'Neal ( 1982-1997; 2001-2009; and engaged but not marry to the Actor.

My wonderful Farrah will be missed on Earth. Now, you are at home in peaces. Whom was a
big of my life. My heart go out to the hold Family and the world. As my thought's of our Angel
Farrah. Which she is now, looking over us all at this time. We will always love you Our Farrah
Fawcett R.I.P.

Monday, May 25, 2009


Often in this world, we believe that love change all dreams. But when dreams , are not what we think will change our future. Perhaps, in this promise we sometimes loss ourself. It
come down to a world of problems. This may brings us a world of sadness. Which showed us
more then one side of our hearts. Never in this world, as this biggest love of our life's. Come
down to this passion, which may carrie us away in a deep, deep endless love. Sometimes, forget
the trust in other people we love. Which may sometimes, bring our dream of a real happiness.
Often this will stop us from getting married. As we pause our heart's from the joy of love. We
never aspect in our wildest dream, that love is just not more then words. But a future of
happiness, sadness and dreams. In moment's of possibilities, which open doors to our heart's.
In all my thoughts of real dreams, and a real future of a complete love.

Date: 05/25/09
By: Larry

Thursday, May 14, 2009


On this day we called a mother love, for her first born child that came with sadness and happiness. Perhap for a new mother of nineteeth. The mother and child came with good
times and bad times together in life. It's becauses of strong mother love, that a child had
everything in life. Often, On this day we call it between mother and child mother day. A
day to look back at mother's. And child to show how much love for a mother.

Date: 05/14/09
By: Larry

For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon
His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting
Father, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6


It's so often that a teacher, touchs a student heart to learn all that they can in life. It was
about thirty somethings years. When i meet this teacher, who change my hold life. It was love
for this teacher, that preach the good in everything out there in life. Whom help me better to
understand life's history. We sometimes never know in life, who will stand beside us in life.
But this teacher never stop caring about me or student's at all for learning. And for us to
better ourself in life.This is a wonderful love for teacher who shown a student the way and
how to look at life things. Maybe in life we should give our teacher's more praises for what
they do in the classroom.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


How , about a love that never stop beating between a husband and wife. That's always cherish on this earth until the end of time And unforgivable love that's never stop beating.

Date: 05/12/09
By: Larry

" But from the beginning of the creation , God ' made them male and female. '
For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife,
' and the two shall become one flesh ' ; so then they are no longer two , but one
flesh. " Therefore what God has joined together , let not man separate. "

Mark 10:6-9


When , I think about all times. That others , may have Shown their giving love back to me.
With a heart of love.

Date: 05/12/09
By: Larry


Perhaps Friendship only comes once, in a lifetime. Being fortunate to have happiness in this
world. That's to enjoy as many friends at this time. The love of friendship means alot , and having their blessing of worthy to be someone friend.

Date: 12/03/03
By: Larry

A man who has friends must himself be friendly , But there is a friend who sticks closer than
a brother

Proverbs 18:24


Sometimes, when i think about my younger brother. It had been twenty-six years.
The first time since we was all a family. A wonderful prayer that i had came true. As i thank
O' Lord for this gift , Only to see my younger brother for the last time on this earth. But only
to have him departed from us all at once on January 02, 1998. Now, my brother at home in

Date: January 14 , 2005
By: Larry
Each difficult moment has the potential to open my eyes and open my heart
By: Myla Kabat Zinn
A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity
Proverbs 17:17

Monday, May 11, 2009


It's being said very often, when we have that love for another person that we have to take
care for life. The love that they share are so important for each other at this time. Caregiver's as
alot good times and alot bad times with the one they love. But, most of all it is a family or friend
that brings so much joy and happiness to they lifes. It's very often , when we have the love for
another person. That we have to take care , as a family member for the tested of our life's. The
things we share with , them things that brings our heart's much closers to our love one's. And
sometimes all the family need is love and understanding , which may help them cope with the
lose of a love one. Whom just passed away!

Date: 05/11/09
Bye: Larry


Sometimes, in this world we should think about others , to love is involving others with love.

Date: 11/29/04

It's better to give than to receive Malagasy ( Madagascar ) African Proverb

" In all this I have given you an example that by such work we must support the weak , remembering the words of the LORD JESUS , for he himself said , It is more blessed to
to give than to receive. "

Acts 20:35


In February their is a celebration of love , between to friends. When love takes one heart away, this celebration we call it " Valentine's Day " the gift of love.

Date: Jan. 31, 04
By: Larry

A friend loveth at all times , and a brother is born for adversity.

Proverbs 17:17

This is my commandent , That ye love one another , as I have loved you.

John 15:12


In this world, we are tested to gave back to our neighbors. So we sure our love back.

God is a great eye. He sees everything in the world Balanda/Belanda Viri , Sudanese Colloqvial ,
(Djibouti , Egypt , Eritrea and Sudan )

For God so loved the world , that he gave his only begotten Son , that whosoever believeth
in him should not perish , but have everlasting life.
John 3:16

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Often, we dream of someone very special. But only to wish for that love in life. Time is one person mission, a mission for love and happiness.

Date: 12/14/03
By: Larry